The Company

In 1997 Jany Engineering was registered as a Private Limited Company and operations started the very same year. It is located in Sub-Saharan Africa, in the Heavy Industrial area of Kadoma, Zimbabwe’s centre point, with a sub-office in Harare. Since its inception, Jany has remained a leading electrical and mechanical repair facility for the general industry, mining, agricultural, steel & chemical sectors, parastatals and the local authorities. Ownership Being a wholly Zimbabwean owned company, the process of decision making is not cumbersome. The company is fully owned by Mr James W. Nyamarebvu, Mrs Nyasha Nyamarebvu and Mr Mufadzi Nyamarebvu.


Our Vision

Our vision is to become a leading, professional Electro-Mechanical Machines manufacturer and repair facility dedicated to providing world class technological engineering solutions to all our clientele through the grace of the Lord and efforts of qualified, experienced and dedicated staff.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide competitive, professional, efficient and cost-effective Electro-Mechanical engineering solutions to as far as beyond national boundaries through keeping pace with technological advances in all our production systems.


  • Formulation, implementation and sustenance of quality standards and policies that are in line with the latest and relevant ISO standards.
  • Employment of modern technology and production systems that enable the provision of products and services that surpass customers’ expectations first time, all the time.
  • Adequately training, motivating and retaining skilled personnel through an improved working environment.
  • Cultivate and optimise long-term relationships with customers, suppliers and our efficient staff.
  • Sensitivity and adherence to Safety, Health and Environmental (S.H.E) requirements
  • Compliance with all legislative requirements.


The organisation observes the following values in pursuance of its vision and mission:

Trust in the Lord           Innovativeness               Teamwork   

         Hygiene                            Honesty         

 Transparency                Professionalism



Our Banking Details

ZB Bank Kadoma – Account number: 4558-164864-200

Barclays Kadoma – Account Number: 2510-6522723

Contact Us

+263 6812 22830 or 0712 406 011