
James W. Nyamarebvu – Executive Chairman 

Recipient of the Order of Epiphany, James Nyamarebvu is the Founder and Executive Chairman of Jany Engineering Group. Highly skilled and qualified, James has more than 40 years experience in the electro-mechanical engineering profession. Prior to founding Jany Engineering, he worked for many reputable companies which include Zambezi Coach Works, Salisbury Industries, Lysaght Engineers, Eastern Highlands Tea Estates, Cairns Holdings and Dairiboard Zimbabwe.


Nyasha Nyamarebvu – Finance Director 

Nyasha is a Chartered Secretary, did IOBZ and worked for many years in the banking industry where she worked for Zimbank as the Branch Manager at the Kadoma Branch. Currently, Nyasha is in her final semester of a Bachelor of Commerce Degree majoring in Entrepreneurial Accounting at Women’s University of Zimbabwe.



Mufadzi W. Nyamarebvu – Business Director

Mufadzi completed his Bachelor of Commerce Degree, majoring in Marketing and Management at Saint Mary’s University in Canada. Upon graduating he worked in Canada as a Business Development Manager with the Lung Association of Nova Scotia and as a Financial Advisor and Small Business Banking Specialist with Scotiabank.


Contact Us

+263 6812 22830 or 0712 406 011