Mining, Industrial & Agricultural Rewinds





Our fully equipped Electric Motor repair facility boasts modern equipment for insulation, mechanical faults, hot spots and vibration assessments, insulation varnish viscosity testing and use of bearing induction heaters.






We repair the full range of machines from fractional KW up to 500KW. Our fully equipped Electric Motor repair facility boasts modern equipment for insulation, mechanical faults, hot spots and vibration assessments; insulation varnish viscosity testing and bearing induction heating.







Guarantee Period and Delivery

All work on electrical motor repairs is guaranteed for a period of 6 months against workmanship only.

Delivery depends on the size of motor and type of impregnation


Inspection of Premises

We submit our acceptance of mandatory facility inspection by our customers






Contact Us

+263 6812 22830 or 0712 406 011